nun zum zweiten Teil des Projekts, das wir eingehender betrachten wollen. Beim dritten Teil werde ich Philipp vorstellen, der mir per Interview über seine Erlebnisse als Teilnehmer des Projekts Live Every Litre berichten wird. Für den zweiten Teil habe ich mir eine der betreuenden Agenturen geschnappt, Jason Fashade von der 90:10 Agentur aus London.

1. Jason, who are you and what are you doing for Honda?
My role at 90:10 Group is as an Analyst and Account Coordinator. I assess and coordinate customer insight for Honda Europe liaising with our local teams of Analysts and Strategists in France, Germany, Spain, UK and Italy. The aim is to help Honda Europe use insights from online conversations to improve PR, communications and customer service. This will usually involve ensuring Honda locally engage in both positive and negative conversations as they happen.

I also coordinate the support of any campaigns Honda and their agencies may have across Europe ensuring they work well with social media. Currently is the one live at the moment and is proving to be a great success.

2. What do you think about the automobile industry regarding their communication universe especially in social web times? Do they experiment enough with all the social web possibilities?
I think that companies in the automotive industry are slowly warming to social media but compared to some other sectors they have been fairly quick to adopt. It still has a long way to go before it is a core-part of the marketing mix with the kind of spend it deserves considering time spent by the customer in these environments. (See diagram) Often it is seen as a something to amplify other activity rather than the core component.

What’s most interesting about what we are doing with Honda in social media is its much more about just another marketing channel it’s a way to connect with your consumer and we are beginning to spread the benefits of customer insight, acquisition, retention through social media across the whole Honda business beyond just PR. This is really exciting for us.

3. Do you believe Hondas project „liveeverylitre“ is something like an early role model for the future communication and why?
In a sense Honda is the first automotive manufacturer to create a totally crowd driven PR campaign where the ideas, the content and the delivery come from the intended audience. It’s about people co-creating outcomes before it’s about social media. The success of Live Every Litre should help raise awareness of the power of this approach. The reason why we are called 90:10 is because we believe 90% of everything a business does should be powered by the consumer with the remaining 10% the business facilitating the demand. By embracing and enabling the voices of consumers you guarantee it’s authentic and relevant which is all that’s required for it to be passed on. In this case you don’t need to see something if you get the idea right at the start.

4. If you would be the CEO of a big automobile company what would you do to strengthen the internet activities?
If I managed to find myself in such a situation I would do all that I could to ensure that my staff were well educated on the capabilities of the internet and social technologies. The more people in my business that are personally using social media the more insight that flows into it from outside its 4 walls. It’s this insight that makes the business better equipped to react in the market place. Capitalise on opportunity as it happens. By helping them to connect with people both internally and externally I am growing the network of relationships my business has to utilize to compete. Open business is a powerful thing.

Soweit zu Jason und seiner Agentur. Wie gesagt, im folgenden Teil 3 wird ein Teilnehmer, ein „User“ des Projekts zu Wort kommen. Und im letzten Teil Laura, die zuständige Projektleiterin. Wenn Ihr schon mal Fragen vorab zu Laura habt, her damit.