
Iron Sky and Police Brutality in Frankfurt?

1. Read the blog posting Police Brutality in Frankfurt. Background? A film crew working for the SF-movie „Iron Sky“ was staying in Frankfurt and during their stay having „some fun in a small bar“. Suddenly the police appeared and threw three guys out of the bar. During that incidence the police – as they are trying to describe it by their view – was very rude and brutal.

2. I am living in Frankfurt and read the story today. Since i am quite good contacted via social media i was asking via Twitter the official press office of Frankfurt (@Stadt_Ffm). The responsible guy answered me quickly by mail and here is the view by the police:

3. It was Saturday morning 04:45, 15 minutes before the closing hour. The film crew didnt „accepted“ the information that the bar was ready to be closed and started a rampage. So the bar members called the police which quickly appeared at the bar.

The police tried to accomplish the crew out of the bar, but as it seems the film crew wasnt that cooperative. One guy, the australian guy, must have been drunken so the police forced the australian guy to leave. During that the police took some forced actions so therefore the australien crew member get some bruises (see the above mentioned posting it says the same).

The second crew member from Finland tried to help the australian member forced down onto the concrete in front of the bar. One of the police crew bumped the guy from Finland by his flat hand. By the bumper the Australian felt backwards and got an injury on his head (see the above mentioned posting). The police is reporting that the injured person was heavily drunken. Which would explain the injury incident.

The police called an ambulance and the crew members were brought to a hospital.

4. I am very unhappy that the guests made some bad experiences with the police and one film crew member was injured. But, as it seems it was a „standard incident“ happening everywhere globally when drunken guests are unwillig to cooperate with the police. I am not able to say if it was too brutal but i can say now it was not without reason – regarding the call for police- in opposite what you have written.

I regret this whole story. But, maybe you guys could contact via Twitter @Presse_Ffm to experience a better stay in Frankfurt. And a good outcome too what ever legal action you may have in mind. I assure you that we in Frankfurt are good hosts. As long as you stay friendly and hospitable too ;)

5. The original mail text in german, sent by Twitter/@Stadt_Ffm and informed by the police (this is not the official police statement itself!!!)
Laut Aussage der Polizei war es Samstagmorgen um 4.45 Uhr, eine Viertelstunde vor Sperrstunde. Die beiden Crewmitglieder seien in einem sehr betrunkenen Zustand gewesen und hätten nicht akzeptiert, dass um 5 Uhr Sperrstunde ist. Daraufhin hätten sie angefangen zu randalieren, weswegen die Polizei gerufen wurde. Diese haben den Australier „vor die Tür gesetzt“, wobei der blaue Fleck entstanden ist. Der andere Gast wollte seinem Kollegen zu Hilfe kommen und wurde von einem Polizisten zurückgedrückt mit einem Schubs mit der flachen Hand vor dessen Brust (so die Polizei). Weil der Gast so betrunken war, sei er nach hinten gefallen gegen eine Hausecke, worauf die Platzwunde am Kopf entstanden ist.

Es war ein Polizeihund mit dabei, der aber nicht eingegriffen hat (Polizei). Ein Krankenwagen, den die Polizisten gerufen haben, hat die beiden Crewmitglieder dann ins Krankenhaus Sacchsenhausen gefahren, wo sie ärztlich versorgt wurden.

Bei weiteren Fragen: Polizeipräsidium Frankfurt, Presestelle, Tel. 755-82100.

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